went to some game shop that is in the Ehub yesterday, (oops i forgot the name of the shop already), as usual took many potos ha ha ha some nice ones are here for grabs if u all visit me ha ha anyway yesterday was fun and i really love N283 for being who u are and be the LOUDEST CG yesterday, i think there is no other group that played anywhere louder than us k, N283, u ROCKS!!!!
anyway, found my childhood game, which is the fishing game, we have a great time but the sad part is that only 2 fishing rod can be used :( but its really found lor, our champ is Brandon and Jasmine!!! Let's give it up to the winners!!!
oops sori guys, some potos are really dark but they looked ok on my phone leh, aiyo, some of the really nice ones turned out to be so blur n dark :( esp the "ghost" potos i took for tian n dale, they really turned out to be ghost lor, its totally, cant make it lor, well any one knows how to shift my words up and the potos down??? i can move them in the direction i wan leh :( pls someone can tell me why are the potos so dark and how to deal with them pls pls pls ..... >0<
whatsmore, though their food is really so-so, but Marvis, gave me a bar of bitter chocolate (my fav) from her 3 bars prize kee kee yeah!!